#Shop well, have a night 2566 has started!!
Just shop Lekise products. Tax deduction up to 40,000.-!!
Such as downlight lamps, recessed lamps, LED lamps and more than 300 items !!
Used to deduct personal income tax as actually paid, divided into 2 parts as follows
1. Purchase goods or services, not more than the first 30,000 baht, use the full tax invoice. Both paper
/ e-Tax Invoice / e-Receipt
2. Purchase of goods or services in an amount not exceeding 10,000.- can only use electronic tax invoices.
or e-Tax Invoice /e-Receipt electronic receipt only
From today - February 15, 2023 only, you can shop for Lekise products at leading department stores
Global House, Home Pro, Do home.and dealers nationwide that can issue a tax invoice
*Conditions are as specified by the government*
Read more details here.