Increase electricity cost for the Jan.-Apr. 2024
by 69 satang per unit, average is 4.68 baht
ft value for January - April 2024 is equal to 89.55 satang per unit. As a result, the average electricity rate increased by 69.07 satang per unit. When combined with the base electricity cost of 3.78 baht per unit causing electricity bills to be collected from all types of electricity consumers Total average is 4.68 baht per unit (not including VAT).
LeKise invites you to come together to save electricity by changing the behavior of using electricity.
- Turn off or turn off the light when not in use.
- Unplug electrical appliances when finished using them.
- Change to use energy saving equipment such as Solar street lamps, solar floodlights
Start changing today, save immediately,
no need to wait for the electricity bill to go up.
“LeKise” light bulb factory Living together with Thai people for more than 55 years
You can contact us for information via the following channels.
Line ID : @lekisegroup or
LeKise: Accepting distributors and producing OEM products.
#LeKise #LeKise #lightbulb factory #electricity bill #adjust electricity bill #FT cost #electricity bill
Source: Facebook Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission