Before buying a solar lamp, it may not be enough to just look at the 'price'. You also have to look at what type of solar panel it is? Lekise invites everyone to come and observe the solar panels. For knowledge before deciding to buy a solar lamp. Normally, there are two types of solar panels commonly used in lamps: Mono crystalline and Poly crystalline. So what are the differences between these two types? Let's go see it in this clip...

Unboxing the review of the new product from LeKise: LED HIGH WATT SMOOTH GEN 2, a popular light bulb among sellers all over the market. Strong, easy toinstall, and bright in every area of use.Helps you save money in your pocket. Because compared to CFL at the same brightness value Or as we call it, lumens. If you consider the cost, you will save up to 30% / tube / year.

Create great sales Like fireworks that ring out on New Year's Day. Just add more light. With new light bulbs from Lekise, LED HIGH WATT SMOOTH GEN 2, bright in every use area. Helps you save money in your pocket. Install only 1 bulb, brightness up to 270 degrees, plus save electricity because it is an LED bulb.

Not enough light in the workplace may be an obstacle to work or may cause loss of sight Because having to focus on the text in the place With low light, such problems may be caused by the fact that we choose to use a bulb or lamp that is not the right type. Today, Lekise will come to UNBOX, introducing a powerful lighting device. such as recessed and suspended ceiling lamps LeKise, your solution to insufficient lighting problems