Many people are probably familiar with long LED light bulbs, LED Tube T5 and T8, which are designed to replace fluorescent bulbs. or fluorescence which is very popular Not just for use inside the home But it is also popular among business groups. office building mall or industrial factories that want to reduce the burden of energy costs

When you have to go and buy products related to electrical appliances, light bulbs, vehicles, textiles, construction materials. We will always look for the TIS symbol first. To ensure that you will receive quality and safe products. Lekise today Will share information about what the TIS mark is? How many types are there?

With a large LED CEILING LIGHT 3CCT, you can change colors in 3 shades (Warm white, Cool white, Daylight) just by pressing the off-on switch. Specially designed lighting Eliminate layer blemishes to look smooth using a unique technique from Lekise. Make it stand out when activated There are 5 patterns and 5 styles to choose from.